Love is Evil?
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I think alot of the pain caused comes from confusion. People confuse love with lust and sex. Physical attraction is natural as we can see throughout nature. Monogamy is less prevalent, but for humans survival of the species is not an issue. We are humans and we have the ability to reason. I have often found that exterior physical beauty masks and internal ugliness and so I would hesitate to sacrifice love because of a desire for physical beauty. I also find that true love can make you see more beauty in someone who might not be considered physically beautiful by others. Beauty is just the attractant that brings us to love. Sex used to be the ultimate gift that you saved for the one you fell in love with. Now it's thrown around like a basketball. Sex has become a game, a pastime, just something you do for fun. Some problems arise from this. Our bodies release certain chemicals and endorphins during sex that give that sense of euphoria so often confused with love. Yes love can cause pain, but I don't really think beauty can cause pain. Beauty is not the culprit, our own human weaknesses and inabilities to control them are what really cause the pain. Beauty is just the worm on the hook.
Damn I should have just put this on my blog. It's long enough. ;)
Hey, I commented on this at my blog.
Jennifer and I are going to see a Bruce Lee movie in a few minutes. A local restaurant projects movies onto the side of a building (pretty cool), and its free to watch if you buy something. Anychicken, check ya later.
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