Thursday, July 28, 2005

Incapacity for Reasonable Thought.

I was having a little discussion over breakfast with my brother about politics. It amazes me that people can become so blinded and self righteous that they can't accept the fact that they or someone they might have looked up to can make mistakes. This train of thought came about as a result of our discussion about G.W.Bush and his re-election. There were plenty of facts out there to disprove alot of Bushs' statements. Why is it that people will willingly vote for someone who will lie about something so serious as terrorism and Iraq to promote a war where thousands of Americans will be sent to die? People get so caught up in their own political party that they refuse to believe, or even consider the fact that they could be wrong. They blame "liberal propaganda" or "that fat bastard Moore". They fail to take the time and do their own research. Even so, the facts had been fully exposed as to the lies and manipulation the Bush administration used to bring about the war, and yet people still voted for Bush. In my opinion Bush and his administration has broken several federal laws. They should be in jail, not running the most powerful country in the world. Anyway I just wanted to rant a bit. It just amazes me the ignorance that alot of Americans will accept and even embrace.
One more thing. I believe this free trade agreement is a horrible idea. Look what NAFTA has done for us. Do the research. NAFTA hasn't strengthened our economy. It has weakened it. More and more jobs go to other countries. I don't disagree with jobs going to other countries in principle, we are all part of the human race. But I believe we need to fix the problems at home before we start fixing the employment problems elsewhere.
Last of all I want you all to read about free trade in China and report back. I have been a fan of Greg Palast for awhile, and this is a great article.


At 12:44 AM, Blogger Josh said...

I had a class on US-Canada relations and a big part of it had to do with NAFTA. As usual, I can't remember much of anything I learned in the class. I'm sure you're totally right and much better informed about the subject, but I'd just say that I'm one for slowly getting rid of protectionist policies in order to let the market work in its natural, survival of the best product n' service way... Nafta may suck, but too much government interference in the market does too. I sound like a Republican, don't I?
Regarding people not thinking critically about their leaders, I think American politics has trained Americans to think in a simple take-sides manner without any regard to an issue's specific facts. Its a sports mentality...we like to ally ourselves with a personality, a character, and work our reasoning around that loyalty. I think that this is one way Americans are arrogant--both the left and the right love to boast about how right they are and how wrong the other side is...its completely a pride thing and not an intelligence thing, atleast for the average non-politically minded American. .

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Vernarial said...

Hollywood and large U.S. software companies chalked up another crucial yet little-noticed victory last week with the final approval of the Central American Free Trade Agreement.
You wouldn't know it from a political debate veering between labor standards in Nicaragua and the evils of protectionism, but one major section of CAFTA will export some of the more controversial sections of U.S. copyright law.

Read the rest here.


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